Dinner N°59 | 5-Gang-Menu | WUEST

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We look forward to serving you our exquisite 5-course dinner N°59 on 23 August at 18:30 and 20:00. Our guests who arrive at 18:30 can of course stay and linger after 20:00.

Course I
Buffalo mozzarella · apricot · rocket · shallots

Creamy buffalo mozzarella with fruity apricot, fresh rocket and crispy shallots

Course II
Broccoli · Brazil nut · Grapefruit · Tomato

Braised broccoli with roasted Brazil nuts and tart grapefruit, served with a creamy tomato essence

Course III
Pea · chicory · celery · harissa

Baked peas with pickled chicory, smoked celeriac and a strong harissa emulsion

Course IV
Carrot · honey · curd cheese · sunflower seeds

Iced carrot with fermented honey, whipped curd cheese and crunchy sunflower seeds

Course V
Strawberry · hazelnut · dark chocolate · basil

Fresh strawberries with creamy hazelnuts, tart dark chocolate and refreshing basil

23.08.2024 | 18:30 | 20:00 | 65 € | WUEST
En Gros & En Detail
will provide a very special selection of wines.

As our seats are limited, we appreciate early reservations. You can make a reservation via opentable or alternatively by e-mail to wuest@pittlerwerke.org stating the number of guests, name and telephone number. Please don't forget to let us know in advance whether you would like a vegetarian main course or the meat alternative. Please be at the Wuest 15 minutes before 6.30 pm or 8 pm.

Booking terms and conditions: We are a small restaurant and buy the products fresh according to the number of guests for each evening. Therefore, reservations are binding and we ask you to cancel your table at least 24 hours in advance. For a no-show or later cancellation, we will issue an invoice of 50€ per person. By sending the reservation you accept these terms and conditions.

Entry65 €